
Αν μαθευτεί ότι οι 1.500 αντιδραστήρες θα εκραγούν σε περίπτωση εκτεταμένου πολέμου/χάους/μπλακάουτ, οι πόλεμοι θα σταματήσουν!
ΜΠΟΡΟΥΜΕ να ΑΠΟΤΡΕΨΟΥΜΕ τις ηφαιστειακές καταστροφές (και επιδημία τοξινών) με ηλεκτροφόρο πλέγμα πάνω από τις ηφαιστειακές ρωγμές - βλ. επόιμενη εικόνα
ΜΗ μπλοκαρισμένα τοξικά ηφαίστεια, ιλαρά, δάγκειος, ευλογιά προβάτων κλπ
To prevent ANY war, just show the Damoclean sword above Earth: the extinction possibility if we don't prevent world blackout
Tunguska 1908 - Apophis 2029
The volcanic winters of 536, 1600, 1783, 1809-1820 AD had consequences on wars, famine and volcanic toxins epidemic, due to global cooling by the sun light screening...
3 2 1
The shelterers are deceived, but who will tell them?
Possible volcanic winter, bunkers are useless, Cambridge proposes the global solution!
The volcanoes vote every day and their vote is also determined by US!
UPDATES here too:
No 'analyst' takes into account neither the end of fuel nor the global blackout and extinction prevention.
QUESTION: As fuels end and global reforestation hasn't started yet, how will the 1,000 nuclear reactors will be decommissioned during the next decades???
- ESA: We must "protect LIFE on Earth from deadly solar storms!"
- Let's not let decades pass again to start global readiness drills with artificial power outages, but also to repel space threats!If a SINGLE influential person learns about global blackout prevention & space electricity harnessing, it can inform governments and tycoons (none of whom are informed by their courtiers), and thus initiate the solution! TRUCE - READINESS DRILLS - GLOBAL REFORESTATION - LASER-PLASMA SHIELD!
- Shelters are USELESS, if we let all the nuclear reactors explode by a PREVENTABLE global blackout!
- Global blackout prevention or extinction: in 37 languages: DOWNLOADIn case this blog vanishes, please check:
Egoism can be cured with the centenarians' habits of altruism, early sleep, fruitarianism & other alkaline food, walking.
- The ONLY ‘going green’ is GLOBAL reforestation!
Book excerpt—Catastrophic climate change: Lessons from the dinosaurs, who vanished due to global COOLING
What??? The increasing, unprevented, toxic volcanic clouding cover increases diseases?
NO doomsday film mentions neither the 1300 reactors' explosion nor the preventive solution
Sellafield: 'bottomless pit of hell, money and despair' at Europe’s most toxic nuclear site
Sellafield nuclear site workers claim 'toxic culture' of bullying, sexual harassment and drugs could put safety at risk
Self-destructive adventurers are convincing politicians of supposedly 'green' radioactivity (while the magma is boiling ominously) and prevent annihilation prevention - we must stop them urgently!
fox rabies-infected fears only the Damoclean sword
If we don't find an influential person for Earth Shield soon, some lunatic may program computers to cause an annihilating blackout in Europe or the US!!!...
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