Παράφρονες τραπεζίτες-Ομπόμπα-Γκορ-οικολόγοι βαφτίζουν το CO2 της φωτοσύνθεσης & αναπνοής “ρύπο” για να μας γενοκτονήσουν με φορολογίες & απαγορεύσεις
ΠΡΟΣΘΗΚΗ 1η: Η Πολωνική Ακαδημία Επιστημών ανοιχτά κατά των υπερθερμασμένων: http://www.staff.livjm.ac.uk/spsbpeis/PAS.htm
2η: Στο τέλος τής ανάρτησης: 10 αποκαλυπτικές ερωτήσεις προς τον πολυδιαφημισμένο πάμπλουτο, ραδιενεργό γενοκτόνο Γκορ και τους μισάνθρωπους πιστούς του.
Τι θέση παίρνουν οι υποψήφιοι στις εκλογές για το έγκλημα της κερδοσκοπικής ενοχοποίησης της ανθρωπότητας για τις φυσικές κλιματικές αλλαγές;
Τι κάνουν για αποκέντρωση-αυτάρκεια-αποθέματα και ζητάνε εγωιστικά να πληρώνονται επιπλέον με βολευτικούς μισθούς;

Υπενθυμίζουμε ότι το διοξείδιο του άνθρακα, όπως φαίνεται στον παρακάτω πίνακα,
ΔΕΝ ΕΠΗΡΕΑΖΕΙ το κλίμα και είναι ευεργετικό για τη ζωή. Αντίθετα, όταν εγωιστές κάνουν πλύση εγκεφάλου στα παιδιά ότι δήθεν το διοξείδιο είναι δηλητήριο, είναι δείγμα της πομπηιακής κατάντιας που έχουν προκαλέσει τα μισάνθρωπα ΜΜΕ, ενώ αρένες, ξενύχτια, μεθύσια, ναρκωτικά, διχαστικά κώ-μματα, μεταλλαγμένα, διαφθορά κλπ απόβλητα των τυραννιών, πρέπει να τα δεχόμαστε μοιρολατρικά.
Just as UK and USA banks led the world in creating the bubble of false financial and property value; UK and USA Governments are intent on leading the creation of another bubble of false value - the ‘carbon bubble’. It will not aid economic recovery but do the opposite. Government borrowing to create a ladder to help us get out of the economic hole of the world economy - while other parties want to dig deeper - is fine but climbing a ladder is not helped by a carbon capture factory bolted onto your head.
“Carbon dioxide is the ‘Gas Of Life’ not a pollutant and recent increases in CO2 have caused trees and crops to grow faster while world temperatures have been falling for at least 7 years. If G20 Governments really believe that CO2 is a big problem they would welcome the world recession but instead they bailout the car industry!
“Contrary to the media image, oil companies fully back climate hysteria because the ‘carbon capture’ they are involved in is very energy intensive and needs 80% extra energy to remove CO2 from coal and doubles the price of energy. This is Win-Win-Win for oil comanies. Carbon Capture and carbon trading are not policies for careful use of resources they are a Weapon of Mass Taxation and plunder of natural resources and the developing world whose advance will be held back by rising energy costs due to carbon capture, carbon trading and biofuels”.
*Ορίστε, για τους δύσπιστους, η αποτυχία των ανεμογεννητριών στη Δανία:
Wind power is a complete disaster
There is no evidence that industrial wind power is likely to have a significant impact on carbon emissions. The European experience is instructive. Denmark, the world’s most wind-intensive nation, with more than 6,000 turbines generating 19% of its electricity, has yet to close a single fossil-fuel plant. It requires 50% more coal-generated electricity to cover wind power’s unpredictability, and pollution and carbon dioxide emissions have risen (by 36% in 2006 alone).
Όπως γράφει κάποιος χιουμοριστικά, σατιρίζοντας την άπληστη δολαριανή κλίκα, που ψήφισε να μας αρπάξει περισσότερα τρισεκατομμύρια για να "διορθώσει" τις συμφορές που προκάλεσε, "μήπως πρέπει να αρπάξει τετράκις εκατομμύρια, για να 'λαδώσει' τον ήλιο, ώστε να μη μας πάει προς νέα μικρή ή μεγάλη παγετώδη περίοδο;"
Άλλωστε, τις πραγματικές προθέσεις οποιουδήποτε τις δείχνουν τα έργα του, αν ενθαρρύνουν ή εκφοβίζουν, αν επιζητά συμφιλίωση ή υπακοή. ΠΕΡΑΣΤΙΚΑ στους ανανούριστους!
Αφήσαμε για το τέλος μια σάτιρα της παράνοιας των ΚΑΤΑΡΡΕΟΝΤΩΝ υπερθερμασμένων, χωρίς να υιοθετούμε όμως την αγιοποίηση των σημερινών "ανέσεων", που μας απομακρύνουν από την αποκέντρωση και την απαραίτητη άσκηση στην υπαίθρια ζωή. Για χιλιάδες χρόνια οι αιωνόβιοι δεν ξεπέρασαν τα 100 ούτε με εμβόλια ούτε με άλλες αβιομηχανίες. Δείτε γιατί πρέπει να αντιδράσουμε επειγόντως, στον επίλογο του βίντεο.
(Μόλις βρούμε ευκαιρία θα παραθέσουμε και μετάφραση στα ελληνικά, με τις ανάλογες προσθήκες για τα υπόλοιπα εγκλήματά του)
10 Questions for Al Gore
Mr. Global Warming himself, Al Gore, is the star witness today in the House Energy and Commerce Committee hearing Democrats’ cap-and-tax global warming bill.
The bill -- recently introduced by Reps. Henry Waxman (D-Hollywood) and Edward Markey (D-Kennedywood) -- is labeled the “American Clean Energy and Security Act of 2009,” which is as Orwellian a name as the “Employee Free Choice Act,” which is of course the way to deny secret ballots to employees in union elections.
This bill should be named the “Al Gore Enrichment Act. ”
House Republicans will have a chance to do better than their Senate colleagues did in January, when no tough questions were asked.
Here are a few questions Gore should answer in the hearing tomorrow:
1. You are a partner in the venture capital firm of Kleiner-Perkins and a co-founder of the United Kingdom-based investment firm of Generation Investment Management, each of which stands to gain financially from greenhouse gas regulation. Please describe any other financial interests that you have in any other businesses that stand to profit from greenhouse gas regulation.
2. In October 2008, the New York Times Magazine featured a cover story on how Kleiner Perkins had invested $1 billion in 40 companies that would profit from new environmental and energy laws and regulations. What will be your share of any profits from these ventures?
3. How much of your own money have you contributed to Kleiner-Perkins, Generation Investment Management and other businesses that stand to profit from greenhouse gas regulation? If you have not contributed significant amounts of your own capital to these businesses, what, then, is your role in them? Are you a lobbyist? Are you the face of their public relations efforts? Is your job to run around scaring politicians and the public into enacting greenhouse gas regulation?
4. Is Kleiner-Perkins’ business plan to have you press for legislation and regulation favorable to its clients in order to make them more attractive and available for sale to the public, at which time Kleiner-Perkins would cash out, leaving the public invested in not-ready-for-prime-time companies that have dubious financial prospects and that are dependent on taxpayer subsidies?
5. Your co-founder with Generation Investment Management is former Goldman Sachs partner David Blood. Goldman Sachs is lobbying for global warming legislation and is a part owner of the Chicago Climate Exchange, where carbon credits from cap-and-trade legislation would be traded. Do you or Generation Investment Management stand to benefit in anyway from these relationships?
6. Generation Investment Management’s web site says the firm provides investment advice to clients. Who are Generation Investment Management’s clients and how do they stand to profit from upcoming environmental and energy legislation and regulation? Will these clients share their profits with you and/or Generation Investment Management?
7. When you left public service in January 2001, your personal net worth was perhaps $2 million. In 2007, your personal net worth was reported to be on the order of $100 million. How much of this fortune is related, directly or indirectly, to your advocacy of legislation to reduce “global warming”?
8. When you testified before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee in January, why did you not disclose to the Committee and to the public your relationships with Kleiner-Perkins and Generation Investment Management? Generation Investment Management’s web site says, “Integrity and honesty are the bedrock of our business. We demand the highest ethical standards in our work and in our personal lives.” In light of this statement, how to you explain your failure to inform the Senate Committee of your financial conflicts of interest?
9. You travel all over the world in jets and limos, own a houseboat, use 20 times more electricity than the average American, and stand to make a fortune that most millionaires would envy. Yet you tell Americans to downsize their lives, such as by limiting their travel, using less heat and air conditioning, and drying their clothes outside on a clothesline. Describe for us, in detail, your personal “carbon footprint.”
10. If you are wrong about humans causing catastrophic global warming, will you give all the money you “earned” from your alarmism back?
Καλοκαιρία=φταις για την υπερθέρμανση, κακοκαιρία=φταις για την κλιματική αλλαγή!...
Τι θα φάνε οι εγωμανείς, άμα βρει την ανθρωπότητα εξαιτίας τους απροετοίμαστη, πολυετής ηφαιστειακός χειμώνας;;;
Labels: Γκορ γενοκτόνος, Ομπόμπα, τραπεζίτες άπληστοι, φωτοσύνθεση, ψευτο-οικολόγοι
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